Well, it's back to school time here and one delicious indulgence that I always equate to an "after-school snack" is the notorious NO-BAKE COOKIE. I know, I know, everyone and their grandma has a recipe for this, but I just could not think of any better way to say "Welcome back to school kiddos!"
Even though this cookie is laden with everything naughty (butter, sugar, peanut butter, etc.) I feel like the best mom EVER giving them to my kids after a hard day's work at school...and I then a shove a carrot down their throats.
Eat well my friends!
No Bake Cookies
1/2 cup real butter
1/2 cup milk
2 cups sugar
3 T. cocoa powder
dash of salt
1/2 cup peanut butter (I prefer creamy, but I suppose chunky would work.)
1 tsp. vanilla
3 cups oatmeal (you can substitute a cup of oatmeal for coconut, if ya really wanna get exciting!)